Hare’s Nest Journey to Nowhere Much
Here is your chance to embroider your own Memory Map! Designed by Brenda during the Covid lockdowns!
A map to somewhere…perhaps! This standard kit contains: quality linen panel for a book, iron-on backing for embroidery, pencil & stencil for map and added elements, Liberty prints, linens for appliqué & linen thread. No two packs are identical!
A map to somewhere…perhaps!
Recommended Cottage Garden Threads
304 Nutmeg
506 Lilypond
803 Pea Soup
1007 Hugs n Kisses
2006 Nest
2401 Hatchling
BR04 Romarin
BR06 Maison
KD03 Charlie
KD05 Echo
KD08 Hotel
KD11 Kilo
KD14 November
Matching sewing thread for construction